Drones and social housing savings.
I've just been directed to an excellent blog post entitled 'Superfly guy' from 2014 which strongly suggests that Drones will be the future of housing surveillance and surveying. From this, from the same author Tony Smith, recently tweets, asking .... #Drones were going to save the #socialhousing world, what happened to them? The tweet also contains a link to the original article, which is well worth a read here. http://tonysmiththathousingitguy.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/superfly-guy.html Now, I'm not sure how drones alone could save the social housing world especially with the current state of underfunded affairs. Nevertheless, the idea that they could, or should, save housing companies significant amounts of money and time by simplifying seemingly costly and time consuming survey work at height, is a realistic assumption and one that really needs to be addressed. The article also mentions very briefly, one of the major obstacles that I believe is causing drone