Remote working - how we do it at Do Well.

Do well (including Rough Cuts) are a band of professionals who collaborate on a multitude of varied projects. We have no office, so the Coronavirus simply won't affect the way we work as we're remote workers anyway. Here's an insight into how we operate.

Organizational focus
To keep our minds focused on our work, we start with Trello.
We have one board, with cards for each of our clients on. These are organised into columns, depending on the client type, and each has a unique ID. This works in a similar way to a forum. Band members associated with a project are linked to the card (and get notifications about that work).

Our project work
For our collaboration and file storage, we use Google drive. Without a subscription Google will give you 15gb, per account. The folders here are labelled exactly the same way as our Trello cards. So it's easy to find work thats associated with a project. We're trying to move over to Google docs, Google slides and Google sheets, some of us prefer these apps, others are struggling to break away from office apps. But that's ok. What is useful, is that any files created in Google apps use zero storage allowance.
What can also be done with files (sheets, docs, slides) is that....
1) they can be collaborated on live. So two people can work on one document, even at the same time. This is so useful if you've been told to self isolate, yet you have a collaborative project you need to complete
2) all edits are saved and reversible
3) anything can be exported to an office compatible format.
Docs can be exported to .docx
Sheets to .xlsx
Slides to .pptx

For meetings we tend to use zoom, this is available across platforms and seemed to be the easiest for our varied band members to get to grips with quickly and easily. It's limited to 45 minutes per call for free. Although calls can be reconnected afterwards.
Alternatives are Google hangouts, or of course Skype. 

We have found using these three applications that our workload is managed quite simply. If there's anything better. Let us know in the comments below.


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