Getting the most out of GTA V online mode. XBOX 360.
I've been playing GTA online now for a good few weeks and I thought I'd share some tips that I wish someone had told me earlier. Whilst it's a great game, online has a steep learning curve, and it's easy to find yourself the victim of a someone that gains pleasure from killing, and re-killing a noob. Follow these tips and you will keep most of the money you earn, make more quicker, and die less often. The 'live' player environment is what these survival tips are designed for, but the quickest way to make money, is via the missions and heist invites that come through on your phone. But these are similar to the missions in the game. 1) Stay out of trouble . If Los Santos is full of angry fast moving pink & red dots, just stay away. Getting killed costs you money, and killing other players doesn't earn any money (admittedly sometimes it's fun, but costly, for some however, this IS the game). 2) Down twice on the D Pad brings up the big map which...