
Showing posts from January, 2011

The Samsung Nexus S

Ok, I've opened the box and, well, to be frank, with the exception of the buttons at the bottom of the screen, it doesn't look that much more different than a Galaxy S. Turning the unit on, and to get started, I have to touch up the Android. Is there some subtle psychological 'connection' here, by touching the android, somehow, I'm accepting it into my life? Then, as per usual, create or sign in using the gmail account I have, noticing in the process that Swype isn't enable out of the box, or as an input option. Why ever the hell not, it's one of the best things about android? Signing in shows us that, it hasn't realised it doesn't have a data connection, so it asks me to connect to wifi, which I do; and then re-input my password. There's a problem with our wifi too so, I skip the process to troubleshoot. I attempt to slide the menu from the top of the phone down, but I notice that the quick access wifi, bluetooth, options are no longer there, li...

Free online storage

Over the last few weeks, I've been exploring options for free online storage. Previously, I've been a keen advocate of Dropbox. So keen in fact that they've upped my storage allowance from the stadard 2gb to over 6gb, simply because I've successfully referred so many new customers. Dropbox has a simple app which creates a folder on your Mac, within your home folder, which simply stays up to date with their servers. Mp3's are indexed, so when you put them into a folder, although they eat into your allowance and do show as on your hard drive, they're simply pulled from a catalogue of pre stored Mp3's on Dropbox servers. So they sync pretty much instantly. There is also a dropbox iphone app, which can be pin protected and the same program also works well on PC. Folders can also be shared with other Dropbox users by right clicking and selecting sharing options. Humyo is a similar service which offers a far more generous 10Gb of storage, although its split, 50% f...